Give yourself the tools to succeed!

Find study tips, helpful practice work, and even college application help here and in B11!
Come to B11 to schedule an appointment with a tutor. We are open all blocks - ask your teacher to come see us for one-on-one tutoring, or come during Enrichment. Plus, we are open ALL LUNCHES!!
Have us come to your class!!!
Plus...use this website to find extra help and college app tips!
- Mrs. Roberts
"When the tutors come in, they are hands-on and engaged with my students. I am astonished by their professionalism and maturity. Additionally, they are approachable, so my students open up to them readily. All this combined, makes for a successful and effective tutoring session"
-Mrs. Laura Rhodes, English Department SMHS
"The students that have come to work with my classes have been committed in helping demonstrate the importance of art, the skills needed to be successful, and more importantly they are helping my students understand what they are learning to maximize their artistic abilities. I am fortunate to be able to have such assistance in classes that are so large, giving my students access to hands on instruction and personal attention from multiple perspectives"
-Ms. Ashley Graham, Art Department SMHS