ACT Prep
Test advice by our Sabre Alumni
Don't Cram!!! It is much more efficient to study at least 20 minutes everyday on a particular topic. Make a schedule that works for you, and stick with it!
Take practice tests. This allows you to become familiar with the test, and you won't have to waste time reading directions on the day of the test.
Remember: you can guess on the ACT, but not o the SAT. The ACT will not penalize you for answering questions incorrectly, but the SAT will take away 1/4th of a point from your score for every question you get wrong.
Don't stress! You will be able to perform better on the exam if you are relaxed.
ACT Resources
​ACT sample question for all topics (with answers): http://www.actstudent.org/sampletest/
Free Practice tests:
ACT Question of the Day: http://www.act.org/qotd/