There are so many scholarships available. Colleges have both merit based scholarships and need based scholarships. These are specific to each school and require much research when figuring out which one is the best for you to apply to. There are also outside scholarships. These can be found through scholarship search engines or through your school. Contact your school Career Development Coordinator or Counselor.
Here are the best search engines to find different outside scholarships. Some might be for a large amount and some might not! But every little bit helps; it just takes a lot of work to apply for them.
Open this document to view a spreadsheet of scholarships. Find information about their website, how much money they offer, and the deadline for applying.
You can also access a chart that will help you keep track of information about what scholarships you want to apply for, such as contact numbers and deadlines.
Here is a link to all of CMS Scholarships
Cappex is a scholarship guide. Just create an account and get started!
Fastweb is another scholarship-matching guide. Create an account to get started!
U.S. Scholarship Guide
Raise.me Microscholarships
More Scholarships!