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How does the Sabre Peer Tutoring Center work?
The Sabre Peer Tutoring Center is open during all lunches. It is also open during enrichment and class, but you have to make sure you ask your teacher first.
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What can I get help with?
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! Math, Science, History, Languages, APs, etc.
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How do I get a tutor?
Come to B11! Once you've arrived find Mrs. MacKinnon, and tell her the subject you would like help in. She will set you up with an amazing tutor.
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Can I work with the same tutor again?
Yes, of course you can. All you have to do is schedule another session with your tutor, but make sure you tell Mrs. MacKinnon so no one steals him/her. In the event that your tutor is not available there are many tutors ready to help.
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What's the minimum time to work with a tutor?
There is not a set minimum time, but you will get the most out of your tutoring if you come in larger increments.
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What should I bring?
Bring your notes, practice problems, a writing utensil, and a calculator if needed. You can also bring anything else you feel necessary to enhance your learning experience.
If you have any other questions feel free to come down to B11 or ask your teacher
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