Underclassmen Advice
Here are some tips from upperclassmen to underclassmen on how to be successful in high school
To my freshman self:
​Make good relationships with your teachers because you'll need these relationships for recommendations in the future.
Join clubs.
Try out for sports teams.
Go to sporting events. plays, and pep rallies.
Participate in homecoming festivities and spirit week.
Don't procrastinate; get your work done the day it is assigned.
Take all of your classes seriously.
Freshmen year was honestly the second best year after senior year. It's a scary, yet exciting time. Have as much fun as you can. Don't take yourself to seriously. Hang out with your friends. Do your homework and enjoy the calm of freshmen year. Once you get used to high school it's a lot of fun! Meet new people, have new experiences. This year is like an experiment to find out who you are and what you like, so have fun trying to figure it out!
To my sophomore self:
​Start thinking about where you would like to go to college and what you would like to major in.
Come up with ideas for your Junior Exit that you know you could make a product for.
Think about taking APs or what APs you would want to take in the future.
Have a couple solid extra-curricular activites.
Think about getting a job.
Keep up your grades!
Sophomore year was definitely the most chill year of high school. Stay focused and make good decisions, but also enjoy the last year before you have to start growing up and tackling major responsibilites. You may not be so sure of yourself during this year and that's okay. Strive to work harder than you did freshmen year. You're a pro at this high school thing now, so have fun and live in the moment, but also start thinking about your future because it comes waaay to soon.